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4th, July 2024

What Makes You a Good Parent for Your Toddlers?

Do you have a toddler? But, it’s your first time being a parent? We understand you!

Till now, parenting was all about feeding, safeguarding, and taking care of your child. But, now that they are toddlers, you need to upgrade your parenting skills. This is such a time when your kids need to go out and start exploring, but as a parent, you are equally concerned for safety, love, and care! That’s a dilemma of being a parent, you know that you need to set them free, but you also need to ensure that everything happens right for them because they are still toddlers.

Amidst such a situation, how do you become a good parent? But, who is a good parent? As a first-time parent, you need to treat yourself as a beginner, and as a beginner, you must educate yourself about parenting, and there’s no shame in that!

So, in this guide, we will discuss a few things that will make you a happy parent for your child.

Let Them Play & Do What Their Heart Desires

As a parent, you cannot force your child into something you like. After all, they are below 5 years of age. Let them play around, and do what they feel like doing. Do not elongate their nursery rhyme time. If you don’t see them enjoying it, let them latch onto their favorite toy and play.

Do Not Compete With Peer Parents

A very common concern amongst new parents is their willingness to keep their child ahead of other children in the same age group and prove themselves as the best parent among other peers. But, this is a clear ‘NO.’ If another child in the neighborhood can rhyme a poem and your child cannot, it is fine. They are only 3-5 years old. Don’t look at other children when parenting yours. For all the parents who do it, you need to think back!

Find a Happy Play School In The Locality

As your child turns 4 years old, it might be time to hunt for a play school. It is the time when you finally keep them away from you for a few hours a day. It is the onset of their experiential life. However, you need to expose them to a fun curriculum. So, what are a few things you must look at when finding a play school for your child?

  • The playschool must be nearby to your home
  • Go meet the caretakers and teachers to see how loving they are, and if your child would feel safe and secure with them.
  • Look at the activities the school offers and how will your kid have the best experience in the space.
  • Look for security in the best possible way. From people to places, you have to be intricate about everything.
  • Spend a day, and see how other kids in the school spend their time. 


Parenting is a joyride, and as first-time parents, there are too many things you have yet to explore. Leaving your kid for daycare at the playschool for the first time would numb your eyes, your heart would feel a little heavy, and your mind would constantly think about what would happen to them without you. But, that’s how it is, and there has to be a first time.

When raising a kid to live in this generation, you have to give them the freedom to choose and learn at their own pace and will. Your focus should lie on making them good human beings, the career would happen on its own when their morals are high!

Happy Parenting!


Feature Blog

Category Image 23rd July, 2023
What Makes You a Good Parent for Your Toddlers?

Do you have a toddler? But, it’s your first time being a parent? We understand you!

Till now, parenting was all about feeding, safeguarding, and taking care of your child. But, now... Read more